Perisher's first ever Slush Cup is coming!

Perisher's first ever Slush Cup is coming!
Perisher are extremely excited to announce that we are hosting Perisher’s first ever Slush Cup this spring! With three huge events spanning three days, Perisher will be alive with springtime delight as we farewell another awesome winter.
Whether you’re a skier, a boarder, or just here to have a good time, you’re invited to join us from 29th September – 1st October to carve, skim, and jump your way to ultimate glory. Pick an event or, – should you accept the challenge – try your luck at all three!
29 September – The Dash
Reminiscent of Perisher’s iconic ‘Dash for Cash’, The Dash is the ultimate test of endurance, strength, and grit as skiers and snowboarders navigate a long, multi-stage course. We’re talking lung-busting ascents, challenging traverses, and daring downhills all while trying to negotiate a series of natural obstacles. ‘At what cost?’ we hear you ask. Well, not only will you be a part of Perisher’s first-ever ‘The Dash’, there’s also a whole heap of prizes at stake including good, old-fashioned cash.
Date: 29 September
Age requirement: 14+
Discipline: Open to both skiers and boarders
Categories: Junior (14-17), and Open (18+)
Registration: $25
30 September – Banked Slalom
If you’re a fan of a bumpy ride, you’ll love our Banked Slalom. Not a competition for the faint-hearted, Perisher’s Banked Slalom will be full of plenty of berms, jumps, and bumps to keep the adrenaline pumping. You’ll have just two shots at being crowned Banked Slalom royalty, with your best-timed run counting towards your score. It wouldn’t be a competition without prizes, and there will be plenty as well as goodie and merch giveaways throughout the day.
Date: 30 September
Age requirement: 8+
Discipline: Open to both skiers and boarders
Categories: Grom (8-12), Youth (13-14), Junior (15-18), Open 18+
Registration: $25, free for Groms
1 October – Pond Skim
We’re sending the season out with a splash by bringing back a fan favourite: the Perisher Pond Skim. What’s more fun than launching yourself down a run into a pool of freezing cold water? You’ll want to dust off your best costume and bring your skimming A-game with prizes for best fit’, trick and, – always a crowd pleaser – best wipeout. We have you covered if you’d rather stay dry though, with a heap of entertainment and giveaways on offer throughout the day for both spectators and participants.
Date: 1 October
Age requirement: 10+
Discipline: Skiers & boarders
Categories: Grom (10-13), Junior (14-17), Open 18+
Registration: $25, free for Groms
Stay tuned to Perisher Facebook and Instagram for more details on Slush Cup including how to register for each event.
Winter 2023 Newsletter

All members should have received the latest lodge newsletter by email.
Please check your spam/junk email as it may have gone into there.
Read what is new for this season from Perisher and the Vail Group. Recent updates to our wonderful lodge have been completed during our pre-season work parites. The board is open to any suggestions for future improvements or additions.
The board is looking forward to seeing your photos in the Photo Competition!
Enjoy your stay!
Click here to read it now-
Kunapipi 2023 Winter Newsletter
Young members week 2023

2023 AGM President and President Report

Annual General Meeting March 23rd 2023

Kunapipi Rules
All registered Co-operatives were advised in 2020 that they had to ensure that their rules were updated where necessary to conform with the Co-operatives National Law. The intention, according to the Department of Fair Trading which Governs Co-Operatives, is as follows:
The Co-operatives National Law (CNL) aims to reduce red tape and associated business costs for co-operatives. Co-operatives wishing to carry on business across a State or Territory border no longer have to register in each jurisdiction. Smaller co-operatives have simplified financial reporting to members and no longer have to lodge publicly available accounts.
NSW is the lead (host) jurisdiction for this national project.
The CNL commenced in NSW on 3 March 2014.
The revised Kunapipi rules were adopted and passed at the 2022 AGM. Following this, a minor change to the rules was made at the insistence of the Department of Fair Trading. This rule is to limit the maximum annual fee active membership to $500 (plus GST)
The Board approved the change and agreed to ask the members at the 2023 AGM to confirm the change as follows:
Item 6 - Fees and charges (CNL s124)
(2) In each financial year of the co-operative, each member is required to pay an active membership charge of an amount, not less than $200 (plus GST) and not more than $500 (plus GST), as the board may from time to time determine. Payment of an active membership charge by a member will be waived if that member has satisfied the requirements of rule 4(2)(a) in the previous financial year.
Accordingly, it is proposed that the members consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as a special resolution:
“Resolved that the rules of the co-operative be amended by replacing the existing rule 6 (2) with the proposed new rule as above.
The Board unanimously recommends that all members vote in favour of this resolution.
1. Attendance
2. Apologies
3. Welcome
3.1. Special Resolution to adopt NEW RULES
4. Previous Minutes
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes
6. Presidents Report
7. Treasurers Report
8. Hut Managers Report
9. Election of Directors
10. Appointment of Auditors
Season To Start 22nd June 2020

28/05/20-the Deputy Premier, John Barilaro, announced The following for NSW:
1. The alpine region will open from 22 June, and
2. Skiers and holidaymakers will not be able to visit ski resorts for the 6-8 June long weekend.
Key paragraphs from the media release are:
“The NSW Government, through NSW Health and NSW Police, is working closely with ski field operators, associated businesses, suppliers and industry associations to ensure COVIDsafe measures are in place when the season commences. “These measures will mean that fewer people will be able to visit and stay at resorts this season, so it is essential that people book and confirm their travel arrangements and accomodation before they travel.” Some of the measures in place include maintaining physical distancing at resorts, limits to the number of people on ski areas, controlled access to ski lifts, increased cleaning of all facilities and no snowplay. Mr Barilaro said to give ski resorts enough time to implement health and safety measures they will not open before Monday 22 June, which means skiers and holidaymakers will not be able to visit ski resorts for the 6-8 June long weekend.”
The next piece of information needed by Kunapipi is an announcement from Perisher as to it's level of operations and the practicalities of their COVID Safe Plan.
Therefore, although a date for the season has been set the full details of the club requirements to allow occupation has not been revealed.
While it is clear that the Perisher resort will be opening for skiing on 22 June, it is not clear what the accommodation restrictions will be. The board expects it will be announced very soon. Once these are released we will adjust our Covid safe plan and only then open up bookings. Please be patient while we wait for the directives from Parks/Vail/NSW Health.
Bookings are still on hold until further notice.
AGM 2020
Please note this year’s Venue
Roseville Memorial Club
64 Pacific Highway, Roseville

The Annual General Meeting for Kunapipi Ski
Club will be held on 26th March
at the Roseville
Memorial Club at 6:30 pm for a
7:00pm (sharp) commencement.
If you wish to
stay for dinner please RSVP
to Kris Graham by 15th March on 0407 010 005 or
Preferential Bookings for Financial Members opens at the AGM and run until the 23rd of April. All amounts owing to the club must be paid before a booking can be accepted.
It should be noted that (where possible) members who attend work parties will be given priority for bookings over those who do not attend.
As a result of expected increases in demand, preferred Bookings are open to Members and their guests for one calendar month from the date of the AGM, after this time bookings will be allocated in order of receipt. We will continue to try to assist members’ guests to the fullest extent possible but must consider the Members first.
In line with the above policy, during the preferential booking period for members, applications are not considered in order of receipt.
At the end of the preferential booking period, Bookings will not be confirmed without full payment.
- Attendance
- Apologies
- Welcome
- Previous Minutes
- Matters arising from the previous minutes
- Presidents Report
- Treasurers Report
- Hut Managers Report
- Election of Directors
- Appointment of Auditors
Immediately following the AGM there will be a General Meeting
Water Chlorination
Water Supply System, NPWS will be chlorinating the water supply on Monday 25 November 2019. The Perisher Valley community may experience a chlorine smell and taste in the water. This should last about 24 hours and does not affect water quality. You may like to turn on taps in your building to flush the internal lines.
In conjunction with the super chlorination of the Perisher Valley Water Supply, NPWS will be carrying out investigation and maintenance works to the infrastructure within our reticulation system. This work will occur between 25 and 27 November 2019 and is necessary to maintain the viability of our underground network. While this work takes place stakeholders will experience short disruptions to their water supply. These disruptions will include: short periods with no water, low water pressure, strong presence of chlorine and possibly slightly turbid water for short periods.
Waste Collection
Please note this year there are 2 types of bags: 1. CLEAR - for bottles, cans and plastics and for paper and cardboard 2. BLACK or GREEN (heavy duty) - for all other garbage |