Please note this year’s Venue
Roseville Memorial Club
64 Pacific Highway, Roseville

The Annual General Meeting for Kunapipi Ski
Club will be held on 26th March
at the Roseville
Memorial Club at 6:30 pm for a
7:00pm (sharp) commencement.
If you wish to
stay for dinner please RSVP
to Kris Graham by 15th March on 0407 010 005 or
Preferential Bookings for Financial Members opens at the AGM and run until the 23rd of April. All amounts owing to the club must be paid before a booking can be accepted.
It should be noted that (where possible) members who attend work parties will be given priority for bookings over those who do not attend.
As a result of expected increases in demand, preferred Bookings are open to Members and their guests for one calendar month from the date of the AGM, after this time bookings will be allocated in order of receipt. We will continue to try to assist members’ guests to the fullest extent possible but must consider the Members first.
In line with the above policy, during the preferential booking period for members, applications are not considered in order of receipt.
At the end of the preferential booking period, Bookings will not be confirmed without full payment.
- Attendance
- Apologies
- Welcome
- Previous Minutes
- Matters arising from the previous minutes
- Presidents Report
- Treasurers Report
- Hut Managers Report
- Election of Directors
- Appointment of Auditors
Immediately following the AGM there will be a General Meeting