Kunapipi Rules
All registered Co-operatives were advised in 2020 that they had to ensure that their rules were updated where necessary to conform with the Co-operatives National Law. The intention, according to the Department of Fair Trading which Governs Co-Operatives, is as follows:
The Co-operatives National Law (CNL) aims to reduce red tape and associated business costs for co-operatives. Co-operatives wishing to carry on business across a State or Territory border no longer have to register in each jurisdiction. Smaller co-operatives have simplified financial reporting to members and no longer have to lodge publicly available accounts.
NSW is the lead (host) jurisdiction for this national project.
The CNL commenced in NSW on 3 March 2014.
The revised Kunapipi rules were adopted and passed at the 2022 AGM. Following this, a minor change to the rules was made at the insistence of the Department of Fair Trading. This rule is to limit the maximum annual fee active membership to $500 (plus GST)
The Board approved the change and agreed to ask the members at the 2023 AGM to confirm the change as follows:
Item 6 - Fees and charges (CNL s124)
(2) In each financial year of the co-operative, each member is required to pay an active membership charge of an amount, not less than $200 (plus GST) and not more than $500 (plus GST), as the board may from time to time determine. Payment of an active membership charge by a member will be waived if that member has satisfied the requirements of rule 4(2)(a) in the previous financial year.
Accordingly, it is proposed that the members consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as a special resolution:
“Resolved that the rules of the co-operative be amended by replacing the existing rule 6 (2) with the proposed new rule as above.
The Board unanimously recommends that all members vote in favour of this resolution.
1. Attendance
2. Apologies
3. Welcome
3.1. Special Resolution to adopt NEW RULES
4. Previous Minutes
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes
6. Presidents Report
7. Treasurers Report
8. Hut Managers Report
9. Election of Directors
10. Appointment of Auditors